The entrance to Grace URC
We meet for worship on Sundays at 9:30am and 5:00pm. Morning and evening have different liturgies and sermons. Our nursery is staffed during both services and Sunday school. It is open to children under the age of three. We would love to see you at both services, but come as you are able.
When you arrive, take a bulletin from the welcome table and feel free to find a seat in the sanctuary.
There is more information below about our liturgy and worship structure as well as link to our visitor’s card.
Hope to see you soon!
This is a summary of what we believe concerning corporate worship and participating in the Lord’s Supper. If you’d like to share your contact information with one of our pastors, you can fill out this card during worship and place it in the offering.
The Christian life is grounded in the “Lord’s Day” - the day of resurrection. We begin the day with the Lord in worship and we end the day with the Lord in worship. It is a time of reverence and awe as God calls us to meet with him for covenant renewal in Christ.
Morning worship is typically about 90 minutes. Our worship service consists of scripture reading, responsive readings, the singing of psalms and hymns, preaching, and participation in the Lord’s Supper (communion), as well as other historic Reformed practices such as corporate confession of sin, the assurance of gospel pardon and a call to new life in Christ. Our worship service ends with a benediction and doxology. After morning worship, there is a time of fellowship downstairs. During the school year, fellowship is followed by Sunday School for the adults and Catechism for ages 4-18.
Evening worship follows a different liturgy and typically lasts about 60 minutes. The worship service is usually followed by a time of fellowship and connection.
In both services, we sing from the Trinity Psalter hymnal.
Below are some links to help you become familiar with our worship.
Sing Your Part (helpful for learning parts)